Has the Magic Worn Off?

It’s been three months since the Magic Keyboard was released, how have my perceptions changed since then?

It’s been three months since the Magic Keyboard was released, how have my perceptions changed since then?

Apple announced the Magic Keyboard when it released the iPad Pro on March 18, and accessory itself becoming available three months ago, on April 15, 2020. When I saw the announcement, I immediately pounced to be part of the first wave of people who received their keyboard before the shipping date slipped by several weeks.

Since then, I've had a chance to field-test the Magic Keyboard these past three months in a variety of environments: my living room, my kitchen, my bedroom (these are pandemic times after all), and formed some impressions, based on my use case & preferences, about the keyboard and how it compares to Apple’s other offering: the Smart Keyboard Folio.

But to give away the ending, and somehow avoid any discussion about the price, built-in trackpad, or weight, I have to admit that in the vast majority of the cases where I use the iPad Pro, my preference seems to trend towards utilizing the Smart Keyboard instead of the Magic Keyboard. Here are some comments on the two accessories that helped me reach that conclusion:

I Hate Oil

The only thing I hate more than oily fingers is having those oily fingers unevenly stain my keyboard. You know what I mean, look down at your spacebar, and you'll instantly see one side has likely retained a nice black matte finish while the other side had developed a stupid shiny oval from your repetitive, greasy taps. I know this is my neuroticism in full bloom. Still, because I find the Smart Keyboard material far less susceptible to this, and easier to clean and maintain, I've tended to prefer using it for lighter typing sessions.

I've since ordered a silicone keyboard cover intended to prevent 'my natural oils' (gross) from staining the keys any further. It seemed cheaper than trying to figure out what my deal was with owning something showing even slight wear. I’ll update the blog when I’ve had a chance to test it out.

Not Waterproof

One advantage of the Smart Keyboard Folio is that it resists water or dust from getting underneath the keys because the keys are covered by one piece of continuous fabric. Because my iPad is regularly used in situations where it might be exposed to moisture - being propped up the kitchen, used while working out, near the bath - it's not uncommon to see droplets make their way onto the device. I know I could learn to be less of a spilly and sweaty mess, but I am fond of a keyboard that accepts that I can be a spilly mess sometimes.

One Case to Rule Them All

I've generally preferred keeping a case on a device once I put in on, and I found this to be true with the iPad Pro as well. Some reviewers dislike the Smart Keyboard's added weight or having fingers rest against mushy keys when the keyboard is folded back, but this hasn't bothered me. The Magic Keyboard, a fantastic typing experience though it is, doesn't support tablet interactivity when the iPad is attached. And if you read this far and still think that I am even slightly in favour of removing my iPad Pro from the Magic Keyboard and carrying it around all naked and exposed, let me affirm that I am not.

Because the iPad Pro Smart Keyboard offers me the modularity of being a keyboard, a cover, and remain affixed to the device while in tablet mode, I tend to prefer it in a majority of situations.

Fragile (but Not)

There's just something about the Magic Keyboard that feels fragile to me. But that feeling does not come from the build quality or me not feeling confident that the hinge couldn't withstand 100,000 repetitive bends. Instead I’d describe the case as feeling as susceptible to damage as the iPad it protects. This is all my perception; I haven't seen any mass recall or forums spilling over with complaints.

The Magic Keyboard feels more like an at-home/stay-put device, whereas the Smart Keyboard feels far more durable and forgiving of any bumps it may encounter along the way.

Important BUT!

Let me state that the Magic Keyboard is an incredible accessory! I love it, but I can understand from everything you read that it might not like that's the case. This device makes me incredibly excited about the future of the iPad, from how Apple... oh I don't know... completely reinvented cursor support for a post-PC device, to how much of a joy the keyboard is to type on. It's far easier to use on a lap, and the floating iPad-vibe they've got going on is cool AF! 

In Conclusion

Choosing the right keyboard between these two accessories required carefully considering my use case, preferences, and my own psychology & tolerance for wear and damage. I hope that whatever setup you're using, it brings you lots of joy, and I hope you found this 3-month follow-up helpful.


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